View Profile Gingerlink
I can never decide what I'm working on, my next submission will probabbly end up being tons better than my RRR one though. That's Midna above, drawn by me in flash, hopefully get her animated and THEN I'll have something good :D

Age 34, Male

Engineery type guy

left! mwhaha!

Cornwall, yarrr

Joined on 10/29/05

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Latest News

As some of you may know (heck, who am i kidding, noone reading this probabbly does actually) I've been working on a little project that until now has been called Zelda 2d. I am Finally announcing it's final name along with creating a triforce of sorts between 3 sites.

So, the Proper name for the game will be:
The Legend of Zelda: The Other Side

The first is obviously newgrounds, where the many parts of the (hopefully eventually) finished work will be posted, both movies (cutscenes) and the game itself, I plan to make the game humongous and last for ages, I can always seperate it with unrelated projects when necessary.

The Second is my blog on which I have been posting regular updates about progress reports and new little features on the game. After a brief spree of daily updates which ended in me giving up, I'm relaunching it with Biweekly updates, on mondays and fridays. The main project I'm reporting on is of course the demo that I'm working on, once the engine is working hopefully the levels in the game shouldn't take TOO much time. My blog can be found .here

The Third is the Zelda fansite Hyrule.net. I have had a lot of support in making the game from this site and I have also been working on getting voice actors (here). I will be working on a more permanent site within hyrule.net as well, until I have enough money to get my own proper site. The permanent site will effectively be a database of all of the game info, screenshots etc...

Finally, I'm going to announce some provisional release dates, these are VERY subject to change, but i want to try and stick to a deadline now
Demo: 11th November 2007
Intro: 29th February 2008

This is a solo project and very detailed, so I would expect it to take quite a while
If you're lucky these will be moved forwards, if you're unlucky, they'll be moved back.

Hopefully, some of you will look forward to this and enjoy it when it eventually comes out...

P.S. I wouldn't take my other submission into account too much if i were you, it took me about 3 days